Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mushroom Farm Suan Het Chanthaburi

Today March 1st 2011, I visited the Het Suan CHanthaburi. It is a big Mushroom farm located near Neon Sung intersection in Amphur Thaimai, CHanthaburi Province. You will see the small statue on the side of Sukimvit Highway 300 meters before you come to he intersection at NoenSung. Take a left and drive 2 km down the twisty road to the farm. At the Mushroom Farm CHanthaburi, th grow and supply all type of local asian mushrooms. From Het Fang and Het NangFa to Het Kon Het Yippon and some strange ones like Het Hua Ling, in English the Monkey Head Mushroom.

I am learning about the different types and bought myself some inoculated compost ready to begin sprouting Oyster mushrooms in 5 days. If i do it right the mushroom will flower or produce the fruiting body for about 4 months until all the food is gone from the saw dust compost. Today i bought 1/2 kg of Het HuJu and Het Kon each. I made a Kang Katik Coconut milk Curry mushroom soup for dinner. It was delicious. And then tommorow i will return to see how the pack the mushrooms compost into the bags. It takes a full month or more for the Mushroom Mycelium to grow covering the inside of the bag.

Today i visit all the different rooms full of mushrooms and then i watched the mixing the ingredients for the compost to support the mushrooms growth. It is made up of lots of saw dust, some gypsum powder and calcium carbonate. Plus a few more nutrients.
So look for the next update about Bag stuffing.

Het Fang

Het Bao Hu - Bao Hu Mushrooms

Het Nang Fa Chumpoo

Het - Mushroom

Het Hua Ling - Monkey Head Mushroom

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